B-Film & The Cannibalistic Po Howard Band is a Hobart duo made up of Paul Luttrell and Caitlin Barnett. Their debut album "B-Film & The Cannibalistic Po Howard Band Strike Back" was written and recorded in the space of 6 weeks in their home studio. "B-Film & The Cannibalistic Po Howard Band Strike Back" combine shoe-gaze elements, psychedlicia and classic rock type sounds. The album begins big and heavy, with hypnotic rhythm guitars and soon moves on to a more conventional shoe-gaze type soud. The first track “I’m a bore, but so is everyone” starts with a distorted rhytm guitar, single note guitar bends and bass. They suddenly switch things up by playing a zeppelin-esque type guitar riff. The vocals being doused in reverb reminding me of the band “tame impala”. The second track “Speak again” is quite a departure from the first track. It starts with haunting synths, a subdued drumbeat and delicate female vocals while the bass moves the song forward. Personal highlight “Another Phrase that you’ll repeatedly say", is a meaty song with a towering distorted guitar, hard hitting drums and melodic vocals. The riffs reminding me of something I may hear on a “ty seagall” record. The final track surprises the listener as it follows no logical progression from the rest of the album, a ploy designed to signify the fluidity of music and musicianship. If you are a fan of gritty guitar albums, shoegaze and infectious vocal melodies check this out.
the fonz
2/28/2013 12:59:12 am
gritty music- like the guitars yo
2/28/2013 04:52:04 am
The femal vox blend nicely
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